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Friday, August 31, 2012

As Unto The Lord

The root of my problem, as revealed to me repeatedly by the mirror in. my. face. is unthankfulness. I get so frustrated with a certain girl child in my house (who shall remain nameless) when she is constantly clamoring for more. The world revolves around this child. She thinks she owns the place, and whatever her little heart desires is what should be henceforth and forevermore.


She is me. A very immature and young version of me.

Today's MTC is all about remembering that my body is the Lord's and the sacrifice of good choices is my way of giving back to Him what is His in the first place. By doing this, I am reminding myself that I am not my own, and admitting to Him that I am thankful for this life.

Last night, as Shawn and I were preparing for bed, I asked him. "Am I unthankful?"
The long pause, as he thought of how to answer that without a fight, followed by, "Only some times."

Ouch. Again.

So today I decided to look around and see what I could do to show him my thankfulness. He is a very hard worker. He is helpful to a fault sometimes. He leaves every morning to go to a job he enjoys, at a company he likes very much, and makes a decent living. But he doesn't do it because he enjoys his job and the company where he works. He does it because it is his calling to provide for his family. He  takes his responsibility very serious.

My job is to keep the home and to homeschool our son. I make sure there is food to eat, the bills are paid, and the family runs smoothly. I take our daughter to school and help with her homework. I get the kids to youth choir, and Caleb to soccer practice. I do the grocery shopping and cooking, and delegate some of the household chores to the children. So why is my house a wreck most of the time? Why is the pantry in disarray, so much that I can't tell what is in it? Why are there fourteen cans of olives in that pantry????

I am not doing my job with a thankful heart. I am doing a slap happy job of.... my job.

So when I came home from the gym this morning, instead of playing with my new paints that arrived yesterday, I looked around to see what I could do that would speak thankfulness to my husband and to God. The dishes. Clean out the pantry. Finish my grocery list. Pay the bills. Give Caleb his spelling test.

And now, imma paint! ;-)

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